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Objavljeno: 11.4.2019

Reported speech (odvisni govor)

Pojasnjuje vam: Inštruktorica Laurainštruktor Laura

Odvisni govor uporabljamo, kadar ponovimo oz. obnovimo, kar je nekdo drug že rekel.

Pri spremembi iz premega govora, ki ima v spremnem stavku glagol v pretekliku, moramo upoštevati sosledje časov, prislovna določila časa in kraja ter zaimke (včeraj, jutri, tukaj, tam, to, tisto, ti, jaz…).

! Kadar ima premi govor v spremnem stavku glagol v sedanjiku, sprememb ni:

He says your house is lovely.

Odvisni govor trdilnih povedi večinoma vsebuje besedo that, vendar jo lahko tudi izpustimo.

She said: “I am late.” -> She said (that) she was late.

Če je poved vprašalna, dodamo if, razen če se že začne z vprašalnico (where, who, when…)

Sam asked: “Are you happy?” -> Sam asked if I was happy.
Lea asked: “Where are my keys?” -> Lea asked where were her keys.

a. glagoli v spremnem stavku

Glagol v spremnem stavku je lahko katerikoli glagol, ki se nanaša na izrek – kako je bil stavek izgovorjen ali kakšen je bil njegov namen.

Le nekaj možnih glagolov: say, tell, add, shout, cry, yell, mention, ask, answer, agree, deny, confirm, explain, guess, remember, promise, advise, propose, suggest…

b. spremembe časa

Do sprememb ne pride v naslednjih primerih:

• past continuous

He said: “I was talking on the phone.” -> He said (that) he was talking on the phone.

• past perfect

Hannah asked: “Had it snowed in the night?” -> Hannah asked if it had snowed in the night.

• could

Dad asked: “Could you pass me the salt?” -> Dad asked if I/he/she/we/you/they could pass him the salt.

• should

Grandma said: “You should obey your parents.” -> Grandma said (that) I/he/she/we/you/they should obey my/his/her/our/your/their parents.

• might

The reporter added: “It might rain heavily.” -> The reporter added (that) it might rain heavily.

• mustn’t

The teacher said: “You mustn’t disturb other students.” -> The teacher said that I/he/she/we/you/they mustn’t disturb other students.

Čas in modalnost moramo sprememniti v naslednjih primerih:

c. ostale spremembe

Pri pretvorbi v odvisni govor moramo upoštevati tudi naslednje spremembe:

Glede na kontekst (komu in o kom govorec govori) spremenimo tudi osebne zaimke, predvsem kadar so v premem govoru uporabljeni zaimki I, we ali you.

Vaje in odgovori

I. Izberi pravilno pretvorbo iz premega v odvisni govor.

  1. Mary asked: “Will you be my bridesmaid?”
    a) Mary asked if I will be her bridesmaid.
    b) Mary asked that I would be her bridesmaid.
    c) Mary asked if I would be her bridesmaid.

  2. Dad said: “You mustn’t tell her.”
    a) Dad said that I mustn’t tell her.
    b) Dad said if I mustn’t tell her.
    c) Dad said that she must tell her.

  3. The kids asked: “Have you ever been in love?”
    a) The kids asked if we were ever in love.
    b) The kids asked if she had ever been in love.
    c) The kids asked that they had ever been in love.

II. Izberi pravilno pretvorbo iz odvisnega v premi govor:

  1. Jake asked if I could call him.
    a) Jake asked: “Can you call him?”
    b) Jake asked: “Could you call me?”
    c) Jake asked: “Can you call them?”

  2. Her parents asked if she had to come alone.
    a) Her parents asked: “Must she come alone?”
    b) Her parents asked: “Had to she come alone?”

  3. The lady announced that it was raining cats and dogs.
    a) The lady announced: “It is raining cats and dogs.”
    b) The lady announced: “It rains cats and dogs.”
    c) The lady announced: “It will rain cats and dogs.”

III. Katera pretvorba iz premega v odvisni govor je pravilna?

  1. She said: “I have never read this book.”
    a) She said that she has never read that book.
    b) She said that she has never read this book.
    c) She said that I had never read this book.
    d) She said that she had never read that book.

  2. The policeman asked: “Were you here at 5PM?”
    a) The policeman asked if she had been here at 5PM.
    b) The policeman asked if she has been there at 5PM.
    c) The policeman asked if she had been there at 5PM.
    d) The policeman asked if she has been here at 5PM.

  3. Mum assured her: “I will come home next week.”
    a) Mum assured her that I will come home the following week.
    b) Mum assured her that she would come home next week.
    c) Mum assured her that I would come home the following week.
    d) Mum assured her that she would come home the following week.

I. c ~ a ~ b
II. b ~ a ~ a
III. d ~ c ~ d

Preverite vaše znanje časov

Rezultat: 0/0

When I arrived, Anthony with his Nintendo.

The train wasn't here it already.

Tara is exhausted. She already.

How long each other when they got married?

I didn't have much to eat at lunch because a lot at breakfast.

I long when the alarm went off.

She to speak English before she arrived in America.

Ram good French because he had been studying for several years.

Shakespeare would be famous even if he "To be or not to be..."

I from him for ten years when I received his last letter.

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